The young male orang-utan is
captured on camera crossing over a small tributary of the Kinabatangan
using an orang-utan rope bridge.
KINABATANGAN: The orang-utan bridge
project to reconnect isolated orang-utan populations within the
Kinabatangan has obtained conclusive proof of success recently via
photographic evidence. “Over the years we have received
numerous local eye witness reports of the orang-utans using these rope
bridges but this is the first time we have received photographic
evidence which clearly shows a young male orang-utan using the first
rope bridge we constructed in 2003 to cross over Resang river, a small
tributary of Kinabatangan ,” stated primatologist, Dr. Isabelle
Lackman, Co-Director of the Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation
Project (KOCP) in a press statement.
The statement was jointly released by the Sabah Wildlife Department and French non-governmental organisation HUTAN yesterday. The
photographs were obtained from a member of the local community, Ajirun
Osman @ Aji who took the pictures February this year. According to
Ajirun, the young male orang-utan spent about 20 minutes at the rope
bridge tree before actually crossing over.
“It seemed like
once he decided to cross, he did so very fast going over in about three
minutes from the Pangi Forest Reserve into Lot 1 of the Kinabatangan
Wildlife Sanctuary,” shared Ajirun. Dr. Lackman explained
that in the past orang-utans would have used tall old growth forest as
“natural bridges” over small rivers. However at present, the
orang-utan’s no longer have this luxury since most trees have been
logged. “Today the orang-utan is facing more human made
obstacle’s such as illegal planting for oil palm all the way down to
the river bank leaving no riparian reserve which are actually required
by law under the Environment Protection Enactment of 2002 as well as
the Water Resources Enactment of 1998,” said Dr. Lackman.
oil palm plantations also contribute to isolation of orang-utan
populations when they build large drains (sizes of small rivers) to
draw off excess water from the cultivation of palm oil. Unfortunately,
all the great ape species which includes the orang-utans are unable to
swim hence are further isolated within forest. To address such issues and to reconnect isolated populations, KOCP which was established by the Sabah Wildlife Department and the French Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) HUTAN in 1998, have built a total of six rope bridges.
support from various partners at American and European zoos, private
foundations and the Borneo Conservation Trust of Japan we tried
different designs using single ropes and more recently using old fire
hoses from Japan intertwined together. This was to see if different
designs would be used by the orang-utans,” said wildlife veterinarian
Dr. Marc Ancrenaz who is also the Co-Director of KOCP.
traps were also set up to capture pictures in the event of orang-utans
using the rope bridges. However they either malfunctioned or were
destroyed by macaques that used the rope bridges regularly. “Using
rope bridges is a quick fix but eventually the most ideal solution
would be to reconnect the forest and we are all working on this. And
when I say ‘we’ I mean everyone from Governmental sector to
environmental NGOs and crucially the palm oil industry as well,” added
Dr. Ancrenaz.
Furthermore, genetic modelling carried out jointly by KOCP,
SWD, Cardiff University and Danau Girang Field Centre has shown that
unless action is taken urgently to reconnect these populations, most of
the current isolated orang-utan populations within the Lower
Kinabatangan will go extinct within our lifetime. At present surveys
carried out by SWD and KOCP
shows that they are 1,000 orang-utans within protected and
non-protected areas of the Lower Kinabatangan. Sabah has an estimated
11,000 orang-utans making it the stronghold for the Malaysian
orang-utan population with 80 percent of the nation’s wild orang-utan
population located here.
According to the Director of the SWD,
Dr. Laurentius Ambu reconnecting forest via forest corridors or patches
of forest is the next crucial step in addressing this issue for
orang-utans as well as other wildlife in Sabah. “Even
though it will be an expensive and long process, reconnecting isolated
populations which were originally linked together will ensure the long
term survival of not only Sabah’s orang-utans but other unique species
such as the Bornean Pygmy Elephants, the sunbears, the Clouded Leopards
and many more,” said Dr. Laurentius.
Source New Sabah Times April 12, 2010
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